Conversation 5


Chuanjiang: Today we are going to discuss gravitation and other interactions. First of all, I repeat, the deflection between the earth and a star is just a change of frame in the space relationship between them. This deflection does not affect other objects or celestial bodies. Multiple celestial bodies move relatively to each other, and there is an independent frame deflection between any two of them.

The greater the mass, the greater the deflection and the stronger the interaction. Gravitation occurs in the space of deflection, and the greatest deflection is at the black hole, where light emission is deflected by 90 degrees, making it appear black, and gravitation is strongest.


Yujun: The bending or deflection of space around matter has been observed and demonstrated experimentally, for example when light passes through the edge of a large body of matter, it bends. General relativity describes in great detail how massive matter causes space to bend. The explanation presented here is compatible with general relativity.


Jinkai: Well, the reason that gravitation is weak and the interaction distance is large is that the deflection angle is too small by massive matter such as the sun, and that the concurrence has nothing to do with distance. The deflection caused by matter mass is equivalent to the deflection caused by motion between space frames. Deflection can therefore be related to mass-gravitation.


Yujun: The Space deflection can come from relative motion and also by gravitation, unlike the optical deflection of light in media such as prismatic convex lenses.


Chuanjiang: I don't agree with the words "come from", Yujun. First of all, we need to determine whether the gravitational force is generated directly by the massive mass, or whether it is generated concurrently by the deflection of space. We have just discussed the concepts of concurrence and causality of deflection.


Yujun: Sorry, I just said it in passing. I thought about it again. This causal problem has to be resolved first. Gravitation works through the propagation of gravitational waves. Gravitation is an interaction because the transmission of Gravitation takes time, with a speed limit (the speed of light). The space frame is neither a matter field nor a matter wave. The deflection is concurrent and has nothing to do with distance, and there is no time difference at all.


Jinkai: The results of our earlier discussion have worked. Logically, the deflection or rotation of space is the cause and the interaction is the effect. In other words, all interactions are caused by the deflection or rotation of space, simply because the interaction such as gravitation between each other occurs much more slowly than "concurrent". The "effect" cannot logically precede the "cause" in time sequence.


Chuanjiang: Good, Jinkai. As a matter of fact, the deflection occurs before the gravitational wave arrives, so gravitation obviously cannot be the cause of the deflection. The same logic applies to the electromagnetic interaction.

Let’s discuss why deflection or rotation causes matter to interact.


Yujun: Unlike space deflection or rotation, interactions are not simultaneous phenomena because there is a transfer of energy with a time gap, such as gravitational waves or electromagnetic waves.


Jinkai: It takes more than 8 minutes for a solar flare eruption to affect the earth, but there is no such time lag when deflection occurs.

It takes time for the stage show to spread to the family watching live TV. It must be ridiculous if the show has not yet started, the show has already been seen live on TV.

So the interaction cannot be "concurrent", let alone causal. There seems to be a causal inversion in the strange quantum phenomenon, and it is actually the effect of space rotation. It tricks our common sense...


Yujun: Let me continue. In our common sense we mistakenly believe not only that relative motion causes space deflection, but also that gravitation causes space deflection, which is a causal inversion of our understanding. As we discussed above, deflection occurs without time delay, without speed limit, and far in advance of interactions that cannot be the cause of deflection. Therefore, we conclude that deflection is the cause of gravitation between non-inertial frames, which is a great challenge to our common sense and intuition.


Chuanjiang: In an inertial system, the angle of deflection of the frame is constant, whereas in a non-inertial system, the angle of deflection of the frame is variable. In non-inertial systems, the frame is asymmetric, called a symmetry-breaking, and the law of symmetry must correct it. As a result, there is an interaction between the associated frames and a force is generated to bring the frames into a symmetric state, which we call "symmetrization". The process of gravitational interaction begins with the deflection of space by matter mass, and the deflection produces gravitation. It is not true that gravitation produces space deflection.


Jinkai: Gravitation is caused by deflection of space, and other interactions of quantum mechanics are caused by rotation of space. If mutual rotations or mutual deflections are symmetrical, there is no interaction between them or the interactions are zero by offset. The essence of all interactions is that the deflection or rotation of space tends towards a symmetrical equilibrium as symmetrization. This potential energy comes from the symmetry requirements of the space frames.

In a non-inertial system, the space frames are asymmetric and the system spontaneously interacts to resist or compensate for the imbalance, i.e. the law of symmetry is satisfied. This is why the tendency for interactions in a closed system is an increase in entropy. There is no imparity of deflection of space-time frames in the universe, and whenever there is a deflection, there must be a correspondence or compensation to meet the symmetry as space-time conservation.


Yujun: The early versions of Silong's paper derived and proved Einstein's mass-energy formula E=mc2 in a very simple way. You can also find it on some websites. Space deflection in a non-inertial coordinate system generates potential energy. Now we need to be clear about what causes the symmetry to break? The short answer: It is mass or energy that breaks the symmetry, which in turn produces gravitation or other interactions.


Chuanjiang: According to the law of symmetry, deflection produces gravitation between non-inertial frames. We extend the concept and apply it to the space of rotation. Three other interactions are also produced by the law of rotation symmetry. The gravitational force produced by deflection is very weak because the symmetry states of deflection and rotation are different. The angles of deflection by mass are very small only in the first quadrant, for example light is bent at the sun, whereas the interactions caused by the rotation of space are much stronger in the full quadrants.


Yujun: As mentioned earlier, the greater the mass, the greater the angle of deflection and the greater the gravitational force generated.


Jinkai: Deflection always precedes gravitation.


Chuanjiang: We note that gravitation is an interaction that occurs only in the space of deflection, whereas the study of the other three interactions, electromagnetic, strong and weak, all belong to the category of quantum mechanics or microscopic categories, which are interactions in the space of rotation. This is also why, for many years, gravitation, as an exception, could not be reconciled with the other three interactions.


Jinkai: I have another question. Why does gravitation only have an attractive force and no repulsive force?


Yujun: I've thought about this question and let me answer it first to see if it's right. The universe as we perceive it has only positive matter, no antimatter, and the space deflection angle caused by positive matter is always between 0-90 degrees in the first quadrant, and it is impossible to reach 90-360 degrees. We don't know how the deflection angle gets into the other quadrants. According to the law of symmetry, it is certain that there is universal repulsion in the other quadrants. What's more, we still don't know what goes on behind black holes.


Chuanjiang: The deflection angle in the space of rotation is in the range of 0-360 degrees, so there must be attraction and repulsion of interactions in the space of rotation. In one rotation cycle it passes through two points, each of which is a black hole, and also through negative space.


Yujun: In the space of rotation, the symmetry law is more complex. In any case, the interaction generated by the rotation of frames is based on the same principle as the gravitation generated by the deflection described above. In the space of rotation, spin is one of the most important quantum behaviors, triggering resistance due to symmetric effects of different factors or levels, producing different types of interactions, such as electromagnetic, strong and weak. In quantum mechanics, quantum symmetry has been well studied. These interactions point to a symmetric equilibrium of the correlated frames, i.e. in the direction of increasing entropy.


Jinkai: I understand that it turns out that the frame asymmetry causes the interactions to point towards an equilibrium or symmetry of the frames, which is the process of symmetrization.

Chuanjiang: Now that for the researches of gravitation and the other three interactions, general relativity and quantum mechanics are already well-established, it is necessary to find a common framework to reconcile them. The discussion and interpretation presented in our conversation are all-new and preliminary and even rough, and I expect to give inspiration and prompts. To unify gravitation with all other interactions, the scientific community needs to collaborate.

Key Words Gravitationinertial systemnon-inertial systemsymmetrizationlaw of symmetryspace-time conservation


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